The Evolution of a Dish:

Leaning into Your Passion: Life Advice from Chef Seamus Mullen

Chef Seamus Mullen’s culinary journey is a testament to the power of passion, adaptability, and resilience. From humble beginnings on a Vermont farm to becoming an internationally recognized chef, Mullen’s experiences have shaped his unique perspective on food, health, and creativity in the kitchen. His philosophy is deeply rooted in cultural exploration, innovation, and personal growth, offering valuable lessons for anyone in the culinary world—or beyond.

Whether it’s pushing the boundaries of innovation or understanding the vital role chefs play in promoting nutrition, Mullen’s experiences offer a roadmap for aspiring chefs and seasoned professionals alike. 

Explore how leaning into your passion, like Mullen did, can transform not only your career but also your approach to life and well-being.

1. Prioritize global experiences

Seamus Mullen's journey to becoming a renowned chef began when, at 17, he left his small-town life in Vermont and flew to Spain for his senior year of high school. What started as a simple language immersion soon became a life-changing experience. Growing up on a farm had already sparked his interest in food, but it was his host family's passion for their local cuisine that truly ignited his culinary fire. 

His host family was food-obsessed, like much of Spain, and they eagerly shared their culinary traditions with Mullen. Every morning, he helped his host mother prepare for lunch, returning from school to finish cooking together. Weekends were spent picking grapes, making wine, and grilling lamb in their small village. This intimate connection with ingredients mirrored the farm life he had known but added layers of history and tradition that stretched back centuries. 


Whether you're a culinary professional or in any creative field, embracing the opportunity to explore different cultures is crucial to expanding your creativity and honing your craft. For anyone serious about pushing their boundaries, exploring diverse cultures is not just enriching; it's essential.

2. Innovation requires boldness

Mullen's experience with his short-lived restaurant, Crudo, illustrates the boldness required to innovate. Crudo focused on raw dishes like ceviche and tartare, a concept that was ahead of its time in New York. While the venture only lasted a year, it wasn’t due to a lack of vision. Mullen identified a rising trend—raw fish dishes—but his execution, perhaps due to timing or market readiness, didn’t resonate with a larger audience at the time.

Nonetheless, his willingness to push boundaries and try something new underscores a key point: innovation often means venturing into the unknown, and success is not always immediate. Mullen understood that the restaurant business is inherently risky, but innovation is what keeps the industry moving forward. Crudo’s concept, though short-lived, was a precursor to a larger trend that has since become a mainstay in culinary spaces.


Don’t be afraid to be ahead of your time. Pioneering new ideas might not always yield instant results, but those who innovate contribute to long-term industry evolution.

3. Embrace flexability in your career

Both Mullen and Sharkey exemplify the importance of flexibility in career paths. They started as servers, moved into kitchens, and even shifted between roles in front and back of house operations. Sharkey, while preparing to open his restaurant Bark, even served at Mullen’s restaurant to gain deeper insight into front-of-house operations.

This cross-functional understanding allowed both chefs to become well-rounded, with insights into both the operational and customer-facing aspects of the restaurant business. Mullen also spoke about working alone at Crudo, handling all aspects of the business himself—a testament to the grit required in the industry.


In any career, particularly in hospitality, flexibility and a willingness to wear multiple hats are invaluable. Broadening your expertise by trying different roles deepens your understanding and equips you to tackle challenges more effectively.

4. Resilience can ignite personal growth

Mullen’s journey hasn’t been without its challenges. He has faced significant health battles, including rheumatoid arthritis, which profoundly impacted his life and career. Yet, instead of seeing these setbacks as obstacles, he used them as opportunities for transformation. 

His experiences with illness helped him adopt a healthier lifestyle, which in turn influenced his approach to food and cooking. He has since become an advocate for health-conscious eating, blending his culinary skills with a mission to help others eat better.


Setbacks, whether personal or professional, can become opportunities for growth. Mullen’s resilience in the face of health challenges is a powerful reminder that adversity can fuel new directions in life and business.

5. Honor tradition and your own narrative

Whether it’s the origins of paella or the techniques of Catalonian baked rice dishes, every dish tells a story. Understanding the history behind a dish not only honors tradition but also enriches the experience for the diner.

However, chefs, like any creators, also have the opportunity to craft their own narratives. Mullen’s journey—from Spain to New York, from traditional techniques to bold innovations—demonstrates that chefs can both honor the past and create something entirely new. By weaving personal experience, global knowledge, and innovation together, they develop a unique culinary voice that resonates with their audience.


Storytelling is a powerful tool. Whether you’re sharing a traditional recipe or inventing a new dish, infusing your work with narrative makes it more meaningful and memorable.

6. Promote nutritious eating

Chefs today are not just responsible for creating delicious meals; they increasingly play a vital role in guiding how people think about food and nutrition. Seamus Mullen emphasizes that while we should have an innate understanding of how to eat—much like a squirrel instinctively knows what to consume—modern society has clouded our relationship with food. 

Anyone with a public platform has a unique influence on shaping cultural perceptions of eating. Mullen highlights that this responsibility comes with power, stating, "As chefs, we have a bully pulpit," making it clear that culinary professionals are at the forefront of educating the public about healthy eating habits. Their influence goes beyond taste and presentation—chefs can shift entire cultures toward more wholesome, balanced diets.


Chefs hold a unique position of influence. Whether or not they view it as a responsibility, they have the power to guide people toward healthier, more intuitive relationships with food, making it essential to think critically about the impact they can have on public nutrition.

7. Heath can be a contagion

Health, much like disease, can be contagious. Mullen reflects on the idea that surrounding yourself with people who inspire health-conscious behaviors can create a ripple effect. As someone who has experienced this personally, Mullen talks about the importance of community and how the people we surround ourselves with directly impact how we live our lives. 

He compares this to the way yeast grows and expands, highlighting how our collective focus on health can spread and influence those around us. By embracing self-compassion and self-awareness, individuals can foster a healthier environment, one that multiplies with each positive interaction.


Health is a community-driven effort. By surrounding yourself with people who inspire and motivate you, you can not only better yourself but also influence those around you, creating a ripple effect of positive change.

8. Turning Health Around Through Personal Agency

Mullen's personal journey of transforming his health serves as a powerful example of how individuals can take control of their well-being. When conventional medicine failed to alleviate his rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Mullen turned to diet and lifestyle changes, seeing tangible results not only in how he felt but in his medical data. Inflammatory markers dropped, and his health improved significantly. 

This shift, initially dismissed by his doctor, later became validated by science, showing that personal agency and experimentation with diet can lead to transformative health outcomes. Mullen encourages others to take charge of their health rather than waiting for external validation, recognizing that what works for each individual can sometimes outpace scientific consensus.


Trusting your own body’s feedback is crucial. While professional advice is important, personal experiences and body awareness can be powerful tools in shaping your health journey, often leading to breakthrough improvements before formal research catches up.

9. Stress is a superpower

In modern society, stress is often vilified, but Mullen sees it as a potential superpower. He explores how we have evolved to seek comfort, but this pursuit has weakened our resilience. Stress, when experienced in controlled and acute doses, such as through fasting or cold plunges, can actually build resilience and improve well-being. 

Mullen explains that stress is not inherently harmful—what matters is how we experience it. Chronic, low-level stress erodes our health, but acute stressors can sharpen our physical and mental capabilities. By understanding how to harness stress properly, we can gain strength and adaptability, making it an essential tool in leading a healthier, more balanced life.


By actively incorporating healthy stressors into your life, you can build resilience and better handle life's challenges. Embrace discomfort—it’s essential for personal growth and long-term well-being.

Final Thoughts: Passion, Innovation, and Resilience

Whether you’re a chef or a professional in another field, the lessons from his journey are clear: embrace your roots, explore new horizons, be bold in your innovations, and don’t let setbacks derail your journey. Most importantly, let your passion be the driving force behind everything you do.

Listen to the full conversation with Seamus Mullen on The meez Podcast

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