The Evolution of a Dish:

Beyond the Bar: How Bartenders Drive Restaurant Profitability

Bartenders are often viewed as mere drink servers, but their contributions to a restaurant extend far beyond mixing cocktails. They play a pivotal role in shaping the customer experience, driving revenue, and ultimately enhancing the profitability of the establishment. A well-trained bartender can influence key business metrics, ensuring not only the satisfaction of patrons but also the financial health of the restaurant.

In a recent conversation we had with Ryan Chetiyawardana, also known as Mr. Lyan, on The meez Podcast, he shared invaluable insights on menu development and the integral role bartenders play in it. 

With accolades like "Best Cocktail Bar in the World" and "Bartender of the Decade" under his belt, Mr. Lyan is a world-renowned expert in crafting extraordinary drinks that elevate dining experiences.

This blog will explore how bartenders can be transformed into essential assets for any dining venue, incorporating tips and strategies from Mr. Lyan that can help unlock their full potential.

1. Upselling and Suggestive Selling

Bartenders have a unique opportunity to enhance sales through upselling and suggestive selling. By encouraging customers to try higher-end or signature cocktails, they can significantly increase the average transaction value. 

When a bartender confidently recommends a premium drink, it can lead to not just an immediate sale but also an enhanced dining experience that keeps customers returning. The promotion of premium liquors is another way bartenders can directly impact profitability. 

Higher-quality spirits typically come with better profit margins, and when bartenders highlight these options, they not only elevate the drinking experience but also boost the bottom line.


  • Provide upselling training: Train bartenders on effective upselling and suggestive selling techniques, emphasizing how to confidently recommend premium drinks and signature cocktails.
  • Create a premium product list: Develop a list of high-quality spirits and signature cocktails that bartenders can easily reference and promote to customers.
  • Incentivize bartenders: Implement a rewards or bonus system for bartenders who successfully increase sales through upselling premium products.
  • Encourage experimentation: Hold regular brainstorming or mixology sessions where bartenders can experiment with common ingredients to create innovative cocktails that could be added to the menu.
  • Continuous education: Cocktail creation should be seen as a continuous refinement process. By involving bartenders in regular tasting sessions and gathering feedback, restaurants can ensure their offerings remain fresh and appealing.

Mr. Lyan Tip: Clarity of Vision

“Sometimes, when we're developing a recipe, we have an idea in mind about what it needs to represent.

That might be an emotion around it or a reference to something, like a classic that people will know. It needs to be grounded in that, so we'll often do a little bit of back and forth as a group.

It’s not about being a committee; it’s just about making sure everybody agrees that it's hitting the premise we’re trying to represent with this particular recipe or iteration that we're putting out.”

2. Balance Innovation with Practicality

While creativity is essential in developing exciting cocktail offerings, it must also align with the restaurant's operational capabilities. New ideas should be practical and feasible within the existing kitchen and bar workflows. 

This means considering factors such as staff training, ingredient availability, and equipment limitations. By ensuring that innovative cocktails can be effectively executed, restaurants can maintain high-quality service and reduce the risk of disappointing guests.


  • Assess ingredient availability: Review current inventory and supplier options to ensure that new, creative cocktail recipes can be executed with readily available ingredients.
  • Evaluate bar workflows: Collaborate with bartenders to assess the practicality of new ideas, ensuring that recipes are efficient to prepare and fit within existing kitchen and bar operations.
  • Define creative guidelines: Set parameters for bartenders to innovate within, including questions about target audience, restaurant theme, and operational feasibility, to align creativity with business goals.
  • Schedule regular reviews: Hold monthly meetings with bartenders and management to review new cocktail ideas, their performance, and alignment with operational realities.

Mr. Lyan Tip 2: Embrace Evolution

“There are points where we revisit a cocktail we’ve made for a certain period. I think this was more acutely observed when we reflected on several years of past recipes that were historically part of the company.

We realized that not only do you get variations in ingredients, and sometimes something might be out of season, but your palate might have changed, too. The way people have interacted with it has changed. So, we make little tweaks, meaning it’s never quite fully finished.

As something that’s organic, it’s not about being totally dialed in and staying firm to that because we see recipes as guidelines rather than hard and fast rules."

3. Focus on Time Management

Efficient drink preparation extends beyond just quick service; it significantly enhances the overall customer experience. Satisfied patrons are more likely to return, contributing to a loyal customer base. 

Additionally, higher table turnover and the likelihood of additional orders from these happy customers directly boost sales and profitability. 


  • Identify peak hours: Training bartenders to identify peak hours allows for better preparation, leading to smoother service during rush periods.
  • Prep Garnishes and Glassware: By preparing garnishes and setting up glassware ahead of time, bartenders can minimize delays when orders come in.Use Speed Pourers: Utilizing speed pourers for liquor allows bartenders to pour accurately and quickly, reducing the time spent on each drink.
  • Pre-Batching Popular Cocktails: Pre-batched cocktails enable bartenders to serve drinks quickly, minimizing wait times. Prompt service leads to happier customers, who are more likely to order additional items.
  • Conduct Portion Control Training: Schedule regular training sessions for bartenders focused on proper pouring techniques and portion control to reduce waste.

Mr. Lyan Tip: Focus on the Pitch

“Sometimes we realize we might have gotten something exactly right based on what we think are the right flavors, the right name, and the right connections and then we put it in front of someone and ask "Are people okay with this? Have we communicated correctly?"

And that's not necessarily about changing the recipe; it's about changing all the ways in which we pitch it and talk about it.

We want to avoid freaking people out while giving them the right opportunity to dive into what it tastes like and explore.”

4. Standardize Your Recipes

Consistency in drink preparation is crucial for maintaining quality and controlling costs. By standardizing recipes, bartenders can ensure that each drink meets the restaurant’s quality standards while also keeping expenses in check. 

This consistency helps build customer trust; when patrons know they can expect the same great taste every time they visit, they are more likely to return. 

Moreover, standardized recipes allow for easier training of new staff, as they can quickly learn the precise measurements and techniques required, resulting in fewer complaints and overall service. 


  • Document all drink recipes: Ensure that all current recipes are written down with precise measurements, ingredients, and preparation techniques.
  • Create a digital recipe library: Use a tool like meez to organize and centralize these recipes so they are easily accessible by all staff.
  • Establish recipe version control: Implement a system that allows for easy updates and tracking of recipe changes to maintain consistency over time.
  • Train staff on standardized recipes: Schedule training sessions for both new and existing staff to ensure they follow the exact recipes and techniques.
  • Monitor adherence: Set up periodic quality checks to ensure bartenders are following standardized recipes during service.

Mr. Lyan Tip: Start with Stories

“Often, we start with stories; we engage the whole team and look at things in very lateral ways before we dive into any of the minutiae.

This approach allows us to create those boundaries and set a path before we've even begun to get into flavors and the development of how we layer that into a finalized recipe.

So a big part of it for us is framing the question and ensuring that we purposefully introduce the restrictions. We want to avoid making it feel chaotic by having everything so wide; instead, we aim to find a way to force it together.”

5. Limit Ingredients

Consistency in drink preparation is crucial for maintaining quality and controlling costs. By standardizing recipes, bartenders can ensure that each drink meets the restaurant’s quality standards while also keeping expenses in check. 

This consistency also helps build customer trust; when patrons know they can expect the same great taste every time they visit, they are more likely to return. 

Moreover, standardized recipes allow for easier training of new staff, as they can quickly learn the precise measurements and techniques required. 


  • Refine recipes: A smaller ingredient list enables bartenders to think outside the box, exploring new flavor combinations. 
  • Signature cocktails: Fewer ingredients also challenge bartenders to explore and elevate core components, leading to signature drinks.
  • Focus on Quality: Concentrate on high-quality ingredients, such as house-made syrups or seasonal fruits.
  • Simplify Stock Management: Fewer ingredients means easier tracking and ordering, reducing overhead costs and waste.
  • Cultural Influences: Utilizing cultural ingredients and techniques creates more authentic, appealing cocktails, resonating with customers and adding depth to the menu.

Mr. Lyan Tip: Establish Common Language

“Flavor is quite a hard thing to describe, so how do we find ways to articulate it? I learned this very early on when I would say, "Oh, it needs more pink," which used language that wasn’t necessarily universal to everyone.

But now, as a team, particularly with our collective experiences, there's definitely something that can help around this. It's true; there weren't many resources before things like this to help people get on the same level. You want to be able to answer the same questions together.

So we use some of that language to ensure we're working on it in the right iterations, rather than just saying, "Oh, I just want to add this."

6. Empower your team

Bartenders and other staff members often have unique insights based on their interactions with customers. Engaging them in menu discussions can lead to the introduction of popular and profitable cocktails.

Team-generated ideas can also enhance the overall customer experience, leading to increased customer satisfaction and repeat business—both of which positively impact profitability.


  • Include All Staff: Engaging team members—bartenders, servers, kitchen staff, and management—creates a sense of belonging and shared purpose. When employees feel their voices matter, they are more likely to invest in their roles and the restaurant’s success.
  • Regularly Brainstorm: Implement structured brainstorming sessions where all team members can propose new cocktail ideas or menu adjustments. This practice not only generates fresh concepts but also empowers employees to take ownership of their contributions.
  • Feedback: Establish anonymous suggestion boxes or digital forums for staff to share their thoughts on the cocktail menu. This can lead to valuable insights on customer preferences and potential improvements.
  • Celebrate Ideas: Acknowledge and celebrate contributions from team members by featuring their cocktail ideas on the menu or providing recognition during team meetings. This recognition not only boosts morale but also motivates others to participate.
  • Create an Incentive Program: Consider implementing incentives for team members who contribute successful ideas, such as a small bonus for the bartender whose cocktail sells the most during a promotional period.

Mr. Lyan Tip: Merge Science and Art

“We work with booze, which is a very good solvent, and we can extract things that are potentially dangerous.

I've always seen science and art as the same thing. It's about how you reach that point of being rigorous in your process. It's hard to understand what you can create if you can't figure out what you're controlling. Being able to take some of those insights has been amazing.

That's what we should be doing as creatives anyway—doing that observation piece and saying, "Okay, this is what has happened as a result of my experimentation and explorations." That process, I think, is a very powerful one to learn.”

7. Create a Culture of Creativity

A lively and creative cocktail menu can attract customers looking for unique experiences, increasing foot traffic and overall sales. A culture that embraces creativity allows the restaurant to adapt more quickly to changing trends and customer preferences, ensuring sustained profitability over time.

Employees are also more likely to stay in a workplace that values their creativity and input, reducing turnover costs and maintaining a consistent level of service.


  • Foster Open Communication: Cultivating an environment where all staff feel comfortable sharing ideas promotes innovation. Regular check-ins and open-door policies allow team members to voice their thoughts without fear of judgment.
  • Workshops and Training: Organize workshops focused on creativity and innovation in mixology. This can equip staff with the tools they need to think outside the box when crafting new cocktails.
  • Limited Time Offers: Introduce limited-time cocktails based on seasonal ingredients or current trends. This encourages bartenders to be proactive and inventive while keeping the menu dynamic and engaging.
  • Collaborate with Other Teams: Facilitate joint meetings between bartenders and kitchen staff to discuss complementary pairings (food and drink) and innovative serving concepts. This collaboration can lead to new cocktail ideas that enhance the overall dining experience.
  • Competitions: Host friendly competitions among staff members to create new cocktails. This can stimulate creativity and camaraderie while generating exciting new menu options.

Mr. Lyan Tip: Innovation is Universal

“I think innovation exists on every end of the scale. It doesn't need to be on the high end. I think every space needs to create freedom for creativity.

That doesn't mean you have to have a huge block of time, a giant team, or loads of resources to do it. You just have to frame the question: What is the value of what you're trying to achieve for that space?

The more you can be clear about what that is, our industry is just full of incredibly creative people. You don't need to have spent years researching or in research labs to do that.”

8. Invest in Restaurant Software

Integrating bartenders into data tracking systems can uncover valuable insights, from identifying top-selling drinks to monitoring profit margins and spotting cost-saving opportunities. 

Leveraging this data-driven approach enables smarter, more strategic decisions that directly improve profitability.


  • Utilize data tracking systems: Ensure bartenders are integrated into the POS and recipe data systems, tracking drink performance and profitability.
  • Analyze data for insights: Set up monthly reviews of the data to identify top-selling drinks, profit margins, and areas where operational costs can be reduced.
  • Implement waste monitoring: Create a system for tracking and reporting beverage waste to help identify patterns and make necessary adjustments.
  • Standardize drink recipes: Use a system like meez to document and standardize all drink recipes, ensuring consistent quality, portion control, and cost management across shifts.
  • Train staff on software use: Provide regular training sessions for bartenders to familiarize them with recipe data systems, POS integrations, and waste tracking, ensuring they can effectively use the tools to maximize efficiency.

Mr. Lyan Tip: Encourage Openmindedness

“One day at White Lyan, my first bar, I encountered an unusual ingredient that’s basically fossilized poop. I thought, 'It's great! It's got this incredible aromatic quality to it. We can make a Sazerac out of it.'

While my team was generally open-minded about creative ideas, they quickly pointed out, 'We can't put that in front of guests at this stage.'

This experience reinforced a crucial aspect of creativity: everybody's got to buy into it. Without that team buy-in, any innovative idea simply won't work. As I learned, if the team is not on board with it, then it's a no.”

meez for Bartenders and Cocktail Programs

meez is a powerful tool for bartenders, revolutionizing how cocktail programs are managed by streamlining recipe organization, batching, and inventory. With meez, bartenders gain full control over their drink-making processes while driving profitability and efficiency.

Key Benefits of meez:

  • Digital Recipe Library: Access standardized recipes with precise measurements and techniques, ensuring consistent quality and reducing errors.
  • Recipe Scaling in One Click: Easily scale recipes for faster batching, making high-volume service more efficient while maintaining portion control.
  • Comprehensive Menu Management: Build out your full cocktail menu and view profitability, food cost percentage, and revenue in one place to keep your program financially healthy.
  • Real-Time Version Control: Ensure recipe updates are immediately available to all staff, simplifying training and reducing inconsistencies.
  • Inventory Tracking: Simplify stock management with sheet-to-shelf inventory counts, allowing bartenders to track supplies efficiently.
  • Analytics Dashboard: Gain insights into purchasing data, menu performance, and potential issues like over-portioning or waste, helping you make data-driven decisions to optimize your bar program.

With meez, bartenders can focus on creating great drinks while also driving profit, cutting waste, and enhancing operational efficiency.


Bartenders are critical players in the quest for restaurant profitability. Their ability to drive revenue, enhance customer experiences, and innovate within operational constraints positions them as vital assets. 

By optimizing bartender performance and integrating their skills into broader business strategies, restaurants can ensure sustained financial success. Investing in your bartenders is investing in your restaurant's future.

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