Fast & Accurate Food
Cost Calculator

Stop figuring out how to calculate food costs on your own. meez’s laser accurate food cost calculator takes the burden of formulas and errors off your busy plate.
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Chef stirring a pan and a chart showing invoice cost categories

Recipe and food costing in real-time

Free yourself from cumbersome spreadsheets and focus on costing,
pricing, planning, and profitability with our food cost calculator.
Sell Price
Cost Per Portion
Food Cost Percentage
Total Dish Cost
Profit Per Sale

Spend smarter with meez

Our food cost calculator takes the hard work out of food costing, ensuring you maximize your profits.

Reimagine Food Costing

Ditch out-of-date spreadsheets or food cost formulas that give you a headache. meez helps you reduce actual food costs through better waste management and price monitoring.

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Grocery store produce issle with a list of invoices
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Male chef looking food cost over time on an ipad

Get Accurate Recipe Costs

Access 2,500+ ingredients with yield, prep loss, and UoM equivalences built-in. Eliminate the hassle of manual unit conversions with our automatic converter.

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See Food Cost Percentage Instantly

Tweak ingredients or measurements and watch your food cost percentage update automatically. Save hours of work while ensuring precise measurements in your recipes.

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A person picking produce with an invoice
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Woman on the phone on a computer uploading invoices

Optimize Your Menu

Easily focus on high-margin dishes and eliminate or reevaluate low-margin items. Gain a quick overview of recipe costs and make cost-effective decisions.

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What Our Customers Say

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“During these past few years, we've had to re-engineer our menu because we saw a 30% increase in the cost of goods across the board. meez was invaluable when we did this because we could see what the cost would be after switching the ingredients and quantities. It helped us make our dishes more affordable.”

Geoff Kornberg
VP of Culinary, Beatnic
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