The Evolution of a Dish:

Finding Meaning in the Culinary World: 15 Insights from Seamus Mullen

In the second part of our conversation with Chef Seamus Mullen on The meez Podcast, we delve deeper into the profound reasons behind his passion for cooking, the importance of intrinsic motivation, and how embracing challenges can lead to a more fulfilling life. 

Here are some key takeaways from our discussion that offer valuable advice for anyone striving to find meaning and success in their culinary journey or any other aspect of life.

1.  The Importance of Consistency in Health Practices

During the conversation, Mullen underscores the critical role of consistency in any health regimen, emphasizing that sustainable practices are more beneficial than those that are merely effective in the short term. Reflecting on his personal journey, Mullen shares his experiences with intermittent fasting and ketogenic diets. While intermittent fasting initially offered substantial benefits, he encountered challenges maintaining this practice when his goal shifted to weight gain. This experience highlights a crucial insight: the effectiveness of a health practice is less important than its daily feasibility and integration into one’s lifestyle.

Mullen’s perspective is a reminder that health practices must align with individual needs and life circumstances to be sustainable. For a regimen to be successful over the long term, it should seamlessly fit into daily routines and accommodate changing goals. Whether adopting dietary changes or exercise routines, the key is to select practices that you can maintain consistently without causing undue stress or disruption to your life.


The best health practices are those that can be maintained consistently over time. Opt for methods that integrate smoothly into your daily routine and adapt to your evolving needs for long-term success and well-being.

2. Metabolic Flexibility and Its Evolutionary Basis

Mullen explores the concept of metabolic flexibility, the body's ability to efficiently switch between burning fat and carbohydrates for energy. This trait, which Mullen suggests has an evolutionary basis, allowed our ancestors to survive periods of food scarcity by adapting their metabolism to available resources. In modern contexts, metabolic flexibility can be supported by dietary strategies such as the ketogenic diet, which encourages the body to utilize fat stores more effectively.

Moreover, Mullen delves into the potential therapeutic applications of metabolic flexibility. For instance, the ketogenic diet’s ability to shift metabolism toward fat-burning might have implications beyond weight management, such as in cancer treatment. By reducing glucose availability, the ketogenic diet could theoretically "starve" cancer cells, offering a novel approach to managing certain health conditions.


Metabolic flexibility, an evolutionary trait that enables adaptation to varying food availability, is crucial for optimal health. Understanding and leveraging this ability can enhance our adaptability to different dietary needs and may offer therapeutic benefits for various health conditions.

3. Autophagy and the Role of Stress

Mullen provides an in-depth look at autophagy, the body's natural process of eliminating damaged cells and regenerating healthy ones. He identifies four primary drivers of autophagy: fasting, physical exertion, temperature extremes, and stress. By likening autophagy to natural selection in the animal kingdom, Mullen illustrates how these stressors contribute to strengthening both individuals and biological systems.

This analogy emphasizes that controlled stressors, such as those experienced through fasting or intense physical activity, play a vital role in maintaining cellular health and overall resilience. Embracing these stressors, rather than avoiding them, can lead to improved health outcomes and enhanced physiological robustness.


Autophagy, driven by stressors like fasting and physical exertion, rejuvenates cells and fortifies biological systems. Embracing these controlled stressors can improve health, resilience, and overall well-being.

4. The Impact of Avoiding Pain on Happiness

Mullen reflects on how modern conveniences have shielded us from natural suffering, leading to a paradox where artificial challenges may be necessary to stimulate growth and satisfaction. He draws a connection between physical and emotional pain, suggesting that avoiding discomfort can diminish our capacity for true joy and fulfillment. By confronting and embracing discomfort, whether through physical exertion or emotional challenges, we enhance our ability to experience pleasure and personal growth.

Mullen’s reflections underscore the idea that the human experience is enriched by both pleasure and adversity. Engaging with challenges, rather than avoiding them, allows for a deeper appreciation of life’s highs and lows, fostering a more balanced and meaningful existence.


Avoiding pain and discomfort can limit our capacity for genuine happiness. Embracing and confronting challenges, whether physical or emotional, can enhance our overall well-being and ability to experience joy.

5. Philosophical Perspectives on Suffering and Happiness

The discussion on suffering takes a philosophical turn, referencing Viktor Frankl’s seminal work, Man's Search for Meaning, and Buddhist views on suffering as an integral part of human existence. Mullen and Sharkey explore the idea that contemporary efforts to eradicate suffering may inadvertently undermine the essence of human joy and meaning. They also reference Ishmael to examine how narratives and mythologies shape our understanding of nature and our place within it.

This philosophical inquiry highlights that suffering, while challenging, plays a crucial role in shaping our sense of meaning and fulfillment. By embracing and understanding suffering as a fundamental aspect of the human experience, we gain a deeper appreciation of its role in personal growth and happiness.


Suffering is an essential component of the human experience, contributing to our sense of meaning and happiness. Philosophical perspectives emphasize the importance of embracing and understanding suffering as part of our journey toward fulfillment and joy.

6. Outsourcing Happiness and Personal Fulfillment

Seamus Mullen’s journey reflects the impact of outsourcing happiness and the quest for personal fulfillment. Early in his career, Mullen’s drive was fueled by the need for external validation, finding joy in accolades and recognition. However, he soon realized that true happiness doesn’t come from others' approval but from within. Mullen’s shift in perspective highlights a crucial lesson: relying solely on external validation can undermine personal contentment.

His realization led him to focus on the intrinsic rewards of his craft—finding satisfaction in the process of cooking itself rather than the applause it might garner. Mullen’s experience teaches that while recognition can be gratifying, it shouldn’t be the primary source of your happiness. True fulfillment comes from a genuine connection to your work and personal growth.


Shift your focus from seeking external validation to finding joy and satisfaction in your own journey and achievements. Building self-worth from within fosters a more sustainable and authentic sense of happiness.

7. Cooking with Soul and Love

Mullen emphasizes that cooking with soul and passion transcends mere technical skill. His approach to cooking is not just about executing recipes but about imbuing dishes with genuine love and emotional investment. Mullen believes that this personal touch brings out the true essence of food, making it more memorable and meaningful.

His experiences illustrate that while technical proficiency is essential, the emotional and personal connection to the food elevates it beyond standard culinary execution. This approach fosters a deeper connection with diners and creates a more impactful dining experience.


Infuse your culinary creations with passion and emotional investment. Cooking with heart adds depth and authenticity to your dishes, enhancing the overall dining experience.

8. Balancing Ego and Craft

Seamus Mullen acknowledges the role of ego in the culinary world but stresses the importance of balancing it with a focus on the craft. While pride in one’s work is natural, Mullen advocates for prioritizing the quality and essence of the food over seeking accolades. He suggests that a focus on the craft and continual improvement is more fulfilling and sustainable.

Mullen’s perspective underscores that while recognition and success are valuable, they should not overshadow the commitment to excellence in the culinary craft. Balancing ego with a genuine dedication to food quality leads to a more rewarding and impactful culinary career.


Balance pride in your achievements with a steadfast commitment to your craft. Focusing on the quality and essence of your work fosters long-term fulfillment and success.

9. Scaling Food and Consistency

Mullen explores the challenge of scaling food while maintaining quality. He points out that while consistency is crucial, it should not stifle creativity and the unique qualities of each dish. His experience highlights the tension between standardization and the personal touch that defines great food.

His approach advocates for a balance where consistency in certain aspects of food preparation ensures quality while allowing flexibility and creativity to shine through. This balance helps maintain high standards without sacrificing the distinctive characteristics that make food exceptional.


Strive for consistency in key areas of food preparation while allowing room for creativity and individuality. This balance ensures quality and uniqueness in your culinary offerings.

10. The Importance of Observational Cooking

Mullen emphasizes the significance of observation and adaptability in cooking. He notes that each ingredient and cooking situation is unique, requiring a flexible and responsive approach rather than rigid adherence to recipes. His practice of adapting to variations in ingredients and conditions highlights the importance of being present and attentive in the kitchen.

Mullen’s insights suggest that developing a keen sense of observation and adaptability can enhance cooking outcomes. Being attuned to the nuances of ingredients and cooking processes allows for more precise and effective adjustments, resulting in better dishes.


Cultivate a habit of careful observation and adaptability in your cooking. Responding to the unique characteristics of ingredients and conditions leads to more successful and satisfying culinary results.

11. Mindfulness in Cooking

Seamus Mullen advocates for mindfulness in cooking, emphasizing that being present and focused enhances the quality of the food and the overall cooking experience. His approach involves engaging fully with each step of the cooking process, which leads to more refined and enjoyable dishes.

Mullen’s perspective on mindfulness suggests that a deliberate and attentive approach to cooking can elevate both the process and the results. By focusing on each detail, you can achieve greater satisfaction and effectiveness in your culinary endeavors.


Practice mindfulness in your cooking by focusing fully on each step and detail. This approach improves the quality of your dishes and enhances your overall enjoyment of the culinary process.

12. Self-Compassion and Imperfection

Mullen reflects on the role of self-compassion and accepting imperfection in cooking. He acknowledges that striving for perfection can be counterproductive and that embracing imperfections is part of the creative journey. His experience highlights the value of viewing mistakes as learning opportunities rather than failures.

Mullen’s approach suggests that self-compassion and acceptance of imperfections foster a more positive and productive cooking experience. This mindset encourages growth and resilience, allowing for continuous improvement and creativity in the kitchen.


Embrace self-compassion and accept imperfections as part of the creative process. Viewing mistakes as opportunities for learning fosters resilience and growth in your culinary journey.

13. Cooking for the Ingredient, Not the Audience

Mullen advocates for focusing on the ingredients rather than the audience when cooking. He believes that prioritizing the intrinsic qualities of the ingredients leads to more authentic and satisfying dishes. This approach encourages a deeper connection to the food and a more meaningful culinary experience.

Mullen’s perspective suggests that cooking with a focus on the ingredients fosters creativity and authenticity. By valuing the ingredients themselves, you can create dishes that are more true to your vision and more impactful for those who experience them.


Focus on the intrinsic qualities of your ingredients rather than catering solely to your audience. This approach leads to more authentic and fulfilling culinary creations.

14. The Role of Feedback and Validation

Mullen acknowledges the importance of feedback and validation but emphasizes that it should not be the sole driver of your culinary endeavors. He suggests that while feedback is valuable for improvement, it should be balanced with personal satisfaction and creative vision.

Mullen’s experience teaches that relying on feedback for validation can be limiting. Instead, use feedback as a tool for growth while maintaining a strong sense of your own creative direction and satisfaction.


Use feedback as a tool for improvement but don’t let it dictate your self-worth or creative direction. Balance external validation with personal satisfaction and vision.

15. Integrating Passion and Practicality

Mullen demonstrates how integrating passion with practicality can enhance the culinary experience. He highlights that while emotional investment is crucial, practical tools and systems also play a significant role in achieving success. His approach involves combining a deep connection to the food with effective recipe management and operational efficiency.

Mullen’s insights suggest that balancing passion with practical considerations leads to better outcomes in the kitchen. By aligning emotional investment with practical tools, you can achieve both creativity and efficiency in your culinary work.


Combine a passion for your craft with practical tools and systems. This balance enhances both the quality of your culinary creations and the efficiency of your kitchen operations.


Ultimately, Mullen's perspectives teach us that personal fulfillment in the culinary world—or any endeavor—is a balance of embracing challenges, nurturing intrinsic motivation, and continually aligning passion with practical effectiveness. By integrating these principles into our professional and personal lives, we can create a path that is not only successful but deeply fulfilling.

We hope these insights inspire you to reflect on your own journey and consider how you might apply Mullen's wisdom to enhance your culinary practices and overall well-being.

Listen to the full conversation with Chef Seamus Mullen on The meez Podcast

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